
Strip it! Pore Cleansing Mask

This recipe makes a pore cleansing mask which works just like the pore strips sold in popular drugstores.

1 T Knox Unflavored Gelatin
2 Tablespoons Warm Milk

Place gelatin powder in a small dish, and stir in warm milk until smooth. Apply the mixture on trouble areas of the skin. Avoid delicate eye area. Allow mixture to fully dry for 10-15 minutes. Mixture will dry quite stiff and form a "stiff film." Peel off the film and stare at all the little porcupine quills that used to be in your nose pores. Ewe! Wash face with warm water and pat dry.

Hint: Add a few drops of essential oil (lemon, lemongrass, mint, jasmine or lavender) or fruit juice to add to the fragrance or experience.


  1. What a wonderful idea! Cant wait to try it out :) Thanks!

  2. You're welcome! Let me know how it works. Also, avoid the brows...the masque is pretty powerful and will pull out hairs. :)

  3. OMG! This works great! Thank u!

  4. Great mask and boy does it remove those blackheads! wow! Thank you Anasa :)

  5. Cant wait to try it! Thank you so much for sharing. xo

  6. UM make sure you read correctly unlike me lmbo. Add 1tb of geletine not whole package. Or end up with mashed potatoes. ha ha. Still worked, felt great. Love ya

  7. Can you please tell me what I did wrong? Made the recipe, it was pretty wet. I put it on with a cotton ball and it was runny. When it dried it did not peel off easily, it hurt a lot! It wouldn't peel off in sheets, I could only tear off little pieces at a time and I finally had to just get in the shower and get it off. I didn't see any "porcupine quills" but it did take off a layer of dry skin and some peach fuzz! LOL! What should the consistency of the mask be? Thank you so much.

  8. Oh no Myra! Talk about a serious exfoliation or peel. You'll need to mix in the warm milk a little at a time stirring quickly until it’s the constancy of Elmer’s Glue...then spread evenly over the skin (avoiding any hairs you don't want gone & sensitive eye areas). This is a recipe that seems to be hit or miss for a few, so I do plan on making a video version of the recipe very-very soon! Thanks for the post!!! :)

  9. Thank you so much for responding. I am excited to watch your video. It was a painful experience and am afraid to do it again without being sure of what I should be doing. It is a simple recipe, didn't think I'd have any issues...however, my skin looked nice afterwords. ;-) Glad to see you will be making a video! Thanks bunches! Have a wonderful week!
