
Yogurt Face Mask & Cleanser

Yogurt is one of the most beneficial skin care ingredients!  Lactic acid and enzymes in yogurt help hydrate and soothe skin; leaving it much more soft and smooth. The same cleansing properties that make it helpful for digestion actually purify the skin as well, both when applied directly to the skin and when consumed. It’s also a great sunburn remedy, soothing the pain and improving redness. When applied to the scalp it can relieve itchiness and decrease dandruff.  Combine yogurt with honey and lemon juice; making a moisturizing and exfoliating mask, for softening the face and neck and minimizing discoloration. You will love how silky your skin feels after using a yogurt mask and cleanser. You can even use this several times a day. Be sure to store it in the refrigerator.

1 tbsp. - Plain Greek Yogurt
1 tsp. - Raw Honey

Mix together and apply to the face. Let mask set for about 10-15 minutes, and then rise off with warm water.

8 Great Tips to Boost Your Energy

Tired of being tired? “I want my energy back.” Well, whether you’re moving in slow-motion or exhausted from juggling work, family, and friends…and with all the life changes & happening ahead, your fatigue-and-crankiness quotient is bound to go up sometime for another.

Feeling tired not only robs you of productivity and pleasure, it also can make you a real…witch. Studies show that women seem more likely than men to crash and get cranky: that women actually sleep less, stress more, and do more multitasking than men (surprise, surprise). Want to fight the funk and fatigue? Well we have a few tips to put a little pep back in your step!

1. Exercise – WebMD says even a brisk 10-minute walk not only increased energy, but the effects lasted up to two hours. And when the daily 10-minute walks continued for three weeks, overall energy levels & reduces stress. It also gives your cells more energy to burn and circulates oxygen. And exercising causes your body to release stress hormones that in modest amounts can make you feel energized.

2. Take a Power Nap - a 60-minute "power nap" can not only reverse the effects of information overload, it may also help us to better retain what we have learned.

3. Control Stress - Stress-induced emotions consume huge amounts of energy. Talking with a friend or relative, joining a support group, or seeing a psychotherapist can all help diffuse stress. Relaxation therapies like meditation, self-hypnosis, yoga, and tai chi are also effective tools for reducing stress.

4. Lighten your load - One of the main reasons for fatigue is overwork. Overwork can include professional, family, and social obligations. Try to streamline your list of “must-do” activities. Set your priorities in terms of the most important tasks. Pare down those that are less important. Consider asking for extra help at work, if necessary.

5. Don't Skip Breakfast -- or Any Other Meal - Studies show that folks who eat breakfast report being in a better mood, and have more energy throughout the day. Studies published in the journal Nutritional Health found that missing any meal during the day led to an overall greater feeling of fatigue by day's end.

6. Drink More Water and Less Alcohol - Try cutting down on the amount of alcohol consumed in the evening, alcohol may help you fall asleep, but it interferes with deep sleep, so you're not getting the rest you think you are -- even if you sleep a full eight hours. Sometimes, even slight dehydration can leave you feeling tired and lethargic. So drink water! There's always going to be some debate about how much water you should drink daily. No matter if you decide on 4 vs. 8 glasses, just DRINK UP! You will feel more alert, which means you will LOOK more alert.

7. Avoid smoking – Did not know that smoking actually siphons off your energy by causing insomnia. The nicotine in tobacco is a stimulant, so it speeds the heart rate, raises blood pressure, and stimulates brain - wave activity associated with wakefulness, making it harder to fall asleep. Once you do fall asleep, its addictive power can kick in and awaken you with cravings.

8. Instant -energy blast: Eat an apple, pear, or orange. These fruits (as well as veggies like beans or peas) are also packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. And they give you a dose of fiber, which keeps you regular and at a healthy, less-taxing-to-your-body weight.

Try arming yourself with these simple strategies for instant energy. In no time flat, you’ll be catching your second wind — and then some.

10 Important Food Facts

“The food we eat is like fuel. It gives our bodies the energy they need to function well. If you don’t make sure that the fuel you pump into your body is of the right quality or quantity, you just won’t feel as healthy as you could. We all have up to 100 trillion cells in our bodies, each one demanding a constant supply of daily nutrients in order to function optimally. Food affects all of those cells, and by extension every aspect of our being: mood, energy levels, food cravings, thinking capacity, sex drive, sleeping habits and general health. In short, Healthy Eating is the key to Well Being.” ~ Dr. Gillian McKeith


FACT #1 A diet high in fat (particularly saturated fats) and high in salt is associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease.

FACT #2 It is estimated that, on average, 1/3 of cancers could be prevented by changes in diet. A diet high in fiber and whole grain cereal and low in fat has the potential to prevent a number of cancers, including colon, stomach and breast cancer.

FACT #3 Many fertility experts believe that an unhealthy diet, high in fat, sugar, and processed foods and low in nutrients essential to fertility, can lead to infertility and increase chances of miscarriage.

FACT #4 A diet high in fat, sugar and salt leads to weight gain and increases the risk of obesity. Carrying excess weight doesn’t just increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer and infertility; it is also associated with fatigue, low self-esteem and poor mental and physical performance.

FACT #5 An unhealthy diet increases the risk of depression and mood swings. It’s also linked to PMS, food cravings and anxiety.

FACT #6 A diet high in additives, preservatives and refined sugar can cause poor concentration, hyperactivity and aggression. This is because foods high in sugar and additives lack chromium, which is removed in the refining process. Chromium is needed for controlling blood sugar levels; when these levels are out of control it can trigger these behavior problems.

FACT #7 A diet that is low in essential nutrient calcium (needed to keep your bones strong) increases the risk of bones becoming weak or brittle – a condition known as osteoporosis.

FACT #8 A diet low in nutrients puts enormous strain on the liver. The liver is essential for the proper digestion and absorption of life-sustaining vitamins and minerals. For optimum health you need your liver to be in peak condition. The liver cannot cope with large amounts of saturated fat and alcohol and this can lead to liver and kidney problems, such as kidney disease and cirrhosis (a life-threatening condition where the cells of the liver die).

FACT #9 A diet too high in sugar can lead to too much glucose (a form of sugar in the bloodstream) circulating in your body. Too much glucose in the blood indicates development of blood sugar problems such as diabetes mellitus. Its symptoms are thirst, frequent need to urinate due to excess glucose, problems with vision, fatigue and recurrent infections.

FACT #10 If your diet is poor this can compromise your immune system and make you more susceptible to colds, flu, and poor health. We need a steady and balanced intake of essential vitamins and minerals to keep our immune systems working properly, to provide protection from infections and disease.